How can I create an account with Woolsocks?

To open a Woolsocks account, just follow the steps below: 


1. Download the app. Check the availability of the app in your local iOS/Android store as we'll soon be available throughout Europe. We're growing quickly, so if you can't find us in your local store, stay tuned!

2. After you download the app, you will need to sign up


3. You will be asked to select your preferred language


4. You will also need to choose the country in which you are located


5. Another step will include adding your personal data such as email, first name, and surname



6. Read through the Privacy Statement and Terms & Conditions, then accept them. 


7. After you have completed the previous steps, you will receive an activation email to verify the email address you provided. Click the link to activate your account.


That's it! Enjoy Woolsocks!


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What personal data do I need to submit in order to use Woolsocks?

Why am I not able to start using Woolsocks?

If you need further assistance, please click this link to send us a request.

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