What is a voucher?

A voucher works much like a normal voucher or voucher code, but with the added benefit of earning cashback! Each voucher merchant offers a stated percentage of cashback on the value of your voucher. As soon as you've finished buying your voucher, this cashback will be automatically added to your Cashback Sock!

To purchase a voucher in the app, just navigate to the Save More Section in the Home Tab and scroll to the 'buy voucher, earn cashback' section to access the voucher store.

Some vouchers can be used in-store only, some online only, and others both. You'll be able to check this information in the app before completing your purchase. After buying your voucher, you'll receive a purchase confirmation email and another email containing a voucher code and PIN code for online vouchers and/or a barcode that can be used to redeem your voucher in-store.

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